SAW VI... One of the movie in my 'MUST WATCH' list 2009... Finally manage to watch it just now... In fact I just finish watching it!...


SAW VI... One of the movie in my 'MUST WATCH' list 2009... Finally manage to watch it just now... In fact I just finish watching it!!! So is it nice??? I must admit that is getting somewhat boring already but it is entertaining nonetheless... At least I know why Amanda did what she did in SAW III!!! Frankly speaking I find that this installment lack some gruesome scenes like its predecessor... Or maybe I'm use to it already??? If you are a SAW fans, remember to watch it...

2 coment�rios:

Ian Ho said...

I stopped watching SAW after the 1st 1. Lauya show. LOL

but i really like the first 3 installment... gory and suspense!!!