The exhibition was held in Mid Valley from 27th to 29th of March 2009... The model was courtesy of Nikon... It was hard to take pics of the ...

dCim 2009

The exhibition was held in Mid Valley from 27th to 29th of March 2009...

The model was courtesy of Nikon... It was hard to take pics of the model cause there were a lot of photographers around... Most of my pics were a bit blur because of the slight bump from others photographer...

Just look at the amazing lens...

Not really worth going as there were nothing there... If you wanted to buy either Canon of Nikon, then it was okay for you to go because they got the biggest booth and they showcase the latest offerings... And good for those who wanna have a hands on feel on the high end bodies and lenses... Other than that, really nothing much so I left feeling sad and dissapointed... It was not what I imagined...

4 coment�rios:

Samuel said...

Hehe. I got my new 85mm F1.8
The model photo is a bit blur bcos of slight bump means u need a flash to use higher shutter speed d. :P

haha don't poison me pls!!!

sam ur 85mm is it macro lens??

Samuel said...

Nope. It's portrait lens. Macro lens should go for 90mm or 105mm. I think the best one should be 135mm F2.