Time really flies... Exactly 2 years ago, I was one of the luckiest man alive... 2 years later, I am STILL one of the luckiest man alive!!! ...

2 Years Ago...

Time really flies... Exactly 2 years ago, I was one of the luckiest man alive... 2 years later, I am STILL one of the luckiest man alive!!! You know why I considered myself lucky??? Then continue reading please...

2 years ago, both me and my darling decided to get married (now you know why I considered myself lucky)... We wanted something different and something we can remember in the years to come... So we decided to throw a ROM party at my house...

That's my dad and grandma...

My family...

My darling's family...

Guessed who's the lucky one???

"Heng Tai" & "Ji Mui"

So shy!!!

What can I say, "hang fook" woman in the making...

Guessed I am not the only lucky person... Just looked at the picture above... I believe most of you will agreed with me... By the way, all these pictures were taken by my uncle...

5 coment�rios:

RyL said...

eh meinv... the dress like too big for you at the time...i think if wearing now even more loose.. good sign??? or ...kekekeke the man never feed enough??:P

hy said...

i think you both looked thinner now!

the dress very hard to find you know... dunno go to how many shops then only can find 1 agak agak ngam wan... some more need to alter the dress... now economy no good so eat less lo... so end up both also thinner... hehe...

Anonymous said...

the last photo of your wife is taken beautifully... She's looks pretty in that~!

You have lost weight? Cant imagine that~ =P

ok thanks for the compliment... i also very leng chai mah...

you must be jealous because you gain weight.. haha..