Yong He Tou Jiang... Very famous among Shanghainese... Actually if not mistaken, Yong He Tou Jiang was originated from Taiwan... They served...

Yong He Tou Jiang

Yong He Tou Jiang... Very famous among Shanghainese... Actually if not mistaken, Yong He Tou Jiang was originated from Taiwan... They served different types of tou jiang (soya bean milk)... They got non sweet, normal and SALTY!!! If you like your tou jiang to be sweet, you will be dissapointed because the normal one tasted liked they forget to put in sugar...

You must be thinking, salty tou jiang??? Don't worry... I had the confused face as well... Frankly speaking, it tasted awful to me... They put in peanuts, mei chai (preserved salted vege) and other ingredients... But the locals liked it a lot...

We ordered you tiao to go with the tou jiang... Normally in Malaysia, we will dipped the you tiao in the tou jiang... But in Shanghai, they dipped the you tiao in soy sauce... Something new to me as well... Besides that, they eat you tiao with chopstick...

My darling on the left together with two of her colleugues... Eunice (center) and Sheryl (right)...

1 coment�rios:

RyL said...

Don't really fancy about this "Tou Jiang"...still prefer the most natural in our country...