Are they out of their mind??? Who in their right mind would like to eat condom??? So why condom shape chocolate in the first place??? I guess the manufacturer is some kind of sick dude and decided that it is fun to eat condom and since the 'normal' one is not edible, so they came out with a made from chocolate one...

'Choco is better than sex'??? Hmmm frankly speaking, I don't think so...

And before you jump into any conclusion, let me clarify that this does not belongs to me... I'm not some sick pervert who likes to eat something like this... I admit that I like chocolate and I'm a really curious type of person but eating a condom never cross my mind!!!
6 coment�rios:
I think it stands for the flavor not edible lol
nop this is not a real condom... is chocolate!!! the strawberry is the flavour of the chocolate...
Err...I am wondering who dare to eat that. hmmmm.
yeah totally agree... although it is chocolate, i don't think i will ever eat it!!!
I think u should try and let me know how it taste~ Hahaha...
i bet it taste just like chocolate rather than rubber haha...
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