Showing posts with label Lego Geek. Show all posts

I'm a 'AFOL' and I'm not ashamed of it... I will admit it if someone ask me... So what actually is 'AFOL' you might...


I'm a 'AFOL' and I'm not ashamed of it... I will admit it if someone ask me... So...

If you do not know, I'm a BIG 'Lego' fans since young... Till now, the love for 'Lego' have not diminish and I'm ...

Lego 42005 (Monster Truck)

If you do not know, I'm a BIG 'Lego' fans since young... Till now, the love for 'Lego'...

Kinkaku-Ji (Temple of The Golden Pavilion) was listed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1994... Looking at the picture above, it is rea...

Anything Is Possible With LEGO!!!

Kinkaku-Ji (Temple of The Golden Pavilion) was listed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1994... Looking at the picture...

Radiator... To keep the engine cool at all times... Mono-shock rear suspension... All round disc brake... Twin exhausts system... This was ...

Lego Motocross

Radiator... To keep the engine cool at all times...Mono-shock rear suspension...All round disc brake...Twin exhausts system...This was my self...

Another briliant effort from Peter Reid... I really like his work... All the details are just amazing... Wish I can do it too... Guess I nee...

Exo Suit...

Another briliant effort from Peter Reid... I really like his work... All the details are just amazing... Wish I...

Can you believe this... All this made using Lego... It is really amazing... Another masterpiece from Peter Reid...

Great Background Details...

Can you believe this... All this made using Lego... It is really amazing... Another masterpiece from Peter Reid......

What is mecha??? Mecha is a Japanese contraction of the English word "mechanical"... Mecha refers to anything of a mechanical natu...


What is mecha??? Mecha is a Japanese contraction of the English word "mechanical"... Mecha refers to anything of a...

This is the main model... Front view... The back view... This is the B model... Back view of the B model... This is the new Lego Technic tha...

Lego Technic 8259

This is the main model... Front view...The back view...This is the B model...Back view of the B model...This is...

Lego... My childhood toys... I used to play a lot with Lego when I am still a kid... I still remembered my first Lego set... It was a presen...


Lego... My childhood toys... I used to play a lot with Lego when I am still a kid... I...