Gone Girl
This was one of the movie that I enjoyed watching last year... Didn't expect it to be this...
This was one of the movie that I enjoyed watching last year... Didn't expect it to be this good as at first it was kind of boring......
Is not something you see everyday where a lone hero who looks like an average Joe taking down the whole 'Russian' mob... It s...
Is not something you see everyday where a lone hero who looks like an average Joe taking...
Yet another movie from comic giant 'Marvel' and I must say I'm impressed!!! Frankly speaking I didn't expect to enjoy fr...
Yet another movie from comic giant 'Marvel' and I must say I'm impressed!!! Frankly speaking I didn't expect...
I'm really excited as 'Lucy' is finally screening in 'Malaysia'... The reason why I'm so anxious about this m...
When I saw the trailer to this movie, I'm saying to myself that this will be a good movie... We got 'Frankenstein', 'Ga...
When I saw the trailer to this movie, I'm saying to myself that this will be a good...
Heard of 'Carrie' long time ago but never really watched it... At first I don't really have the intention to watch this rema...
Another superhero movie!!! It seems like we are getting at least one superhero movie every year and this is no bad thing as I'm a su...
Another superhero movie!!! It seems like we are getting at least one superhero movie every year and this...
I know some might say this movie sucks, boring, waste of time and money but to me this is one of the most entertaining movie yet... The ...
Just like my previous post, I'm not really a BIG fan of sci-fi genre either but I'm really enjoying 'Elysium'... I like ...
Is been a long time since I've watched something like this... I don't usually watched horror movie as I'm not really a big f...
Is been a long time since I've watched something like this... I don't usually watched horror movie as...
I've been a fan of 'Green Day' since I was a teens... Till now, I'm still a BIG fans!!! Got their latest album ( or albums?...
I've been a fan of 'Green Day' since I was a teens... Till now, I'm still a BIG...
Before going to a movie, I will normally search the web for review first... If the review is really bad, I will most probably skip the m...
Before going to a movie, I will normally search the web for review first... If the review is...
The first 'Fast & Furious' movie was one hell of a movie because before this, there was nothing like it being film... As a...
The first 'Fast & Furious' movie was one hell of a movie because before this, there was nothing...
Every kid super hero is back... I believed most guys will try imitating 'Superman' when he's just a kid... I'm one of...
Every kid super hero is back... I believed most guys will try imitating 'Superman' when he's just a...
The long awaited 'Iron Man 3' is finally here ( ok I know I'm a little bit late to post this as the 'Iron Man' fever...
The long awaited 'Iron Man 3' is finally here (ok I know I'm a little bit late to...
How can I miss 'Quentin Tarantino's' new movie??? I just love the way he film... 'Django Unchained' included!!! In m...
How can I miss 'Quentin Tarantino's' new movie??? I just love the way he film... 'Django Unchained' included!!!...
Another long overdue post that are suppose to be posted a month ago!!! If you're a 'Lord of The Ring' fans, then this is defi...
Another long overdue post that are suppose to be posted a month ago!!! If you're a 'Lord of...
If you don't know, I'm not really a 'Twilight' fans!!! I still remembered the time I watched the first installment... I ...
If you don't know, I'm not really a 'Twilight' fans!!! I still remembered the time I watched the...
Not really a BIG fans of 'James Bond' franchise... But still I don't hate it... Whenever there's a new 'Bond' f...
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