I sure did... In fact I just went to McD for lunch this afternoon!!!
Okok... This was what happened before I went for McD lunch... I was so hungry today... But too bad...

Not yet 12 noon!!! Still got 10 mins to go...

Wow... Finally!!! 12 noon sharp... Time for lunch... Nono... Is time for McValue lunch!!! (Notice the B&W pic??? I am too hungry till everything looks like B&W... LOL)

BIG MAC!!! My favourite McD menu...I just loved the taste of Big Mac... Tender beef patty and juicy lettuce... In fact, I was so happy that McD decided to add in Big Mac as part of the McValue set... At RM7.95 it was cheap... I ordered a BIG set and it cost me less than RM10... But if you really want value for money, I would highly recommend McChicken or Fillet-O-Fish because at RM5.95, it was basically cheaper than most food... In my previous post, I said that it was cheaper to eat McD McValue lunch rather than a plate of "Chap Fan" aka not-so-economy-rice!!!

Before being molested by me!!! Still in one piece...

After being molested by me... Is a must for me to add in pepper and some salt... Dunno why I just find it tastier...

Hungry yet???

All the ingredients were there... I think most people will think that McD will reduce the ingredients cause they sell it at a cheaper price... You are WRONG people!!! The beef pattys were the same size as before... The slice of cheese was also present... Hmm that's really reassuring to know...

This was what happened after 15 mins...
A very very satisfying lunch for sure... So people, what are you waiting for??? For those who love McD just like I do, don't miss this opportunity to eat your favourite McD food at an irresistable price!!!
4 coment�rios:
MC Donald should pay you for writing this! haha..
haha... yeah you are absolutely right!!!
i lovin it...MCD
yeah atty's... me too... a die hard McD fan!!!
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