Just came back from China yesterday night... Really exhausted... For the pass 10 days, I've been to Huang Shan, Hangzhou, Suzhou and also Shanghai... China, a very beautiful country indeed... Places like Huang Shan, Xi Hu in Hangzhou were really spectacular... But sad to say, the people there were terrible... One word to describe them... RUDE!!! Not all of them were rude, but for the pass 10 days in China, I've seen at least 10 cases already!!! Impolite and jumping queue were something you will face everyday...
When I walked around in China, I will always looked at the floor... You must be wondering what I was looking at... I was trying to avoid stepping on land mine created by peoples of the Republic of China... When they walked around, most of them will spit on the floor... Be it men or ladies... It was really disgusting... They even spitted in door...
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